historical aspects of the Santa Teresinha Teacher School in Imperatriz-MA
History, Santa Teresinha Teacher School, Imperatriz-MAAbstract
This study is part of a master's research that aimed to analyze the history of primary education, specifically in Imperatriz MA, from 1960 to 1980, as a mainly female modality of professional training and practice. In this study, our objective is to present the history of the first teacher training course in the city of
Imperatriz MA, the Santa Teresinha Regional Teacher Course. To respond to the objective proposed in the research, we opted for documental analysis and interviews with the teachers trained in the course. The Santa Teresinha Regional Teacher Course represented an important educational space because it gave
training and work opportunities for many women in the city. This research was also significant in understanding the beginning of the history of teaching in the city, comprehending it as one of the first steps toward expanding teacher training institutions in the city.
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