The School Court: a study on the production of professorial jurisprudence in class councils


  • Vinicius Kapicius Plessim Universidade de São Paulo



Student, Jurisprudence, Class Council , Teacher


The article aims to analyze the production of professorial jurisprudence in class councils. We also seek to understand the different readings by education professionals of this social reality. Perceptions are operationalized as schemes that legitimize the student's direction in the institution. Through qualitative research carried out as a field study at a municipal school, nine interviews were conducted with teachers who work there. The study hypothesizes that the class council becomes a court where professorial wishes are imposed. This work is justified because it aims to understand the different meanings of the teaching practice through teachers' participation in class councils. As a moment for assessments and the production of teacher judgment, class councils legitimize the social conservation of the school as teachers define the students' academic destiny and give them the prerogative of being approved or not according to their classification schemes.


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2024-11-28 — Updated on 2024-11-28


How to Cite

PLESSIM, Vinicius Kapicius.
The School Court: a study on the production of professorial jurisprudence in class councils
. Revista Humanidades & Educação, v. 6, p. e–062402, 28 Nov. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.