a case study in the Human Sciences/Sociology Course of UFMA/Imperatriz
LGBTQIA , Sexual Diversity, College educationAbstract
This work presents an exploratory and analytical study on the sexual orientation of students who entered the Human Sciences/Sociology Course of the Federal University of Maranhão, Campus de Imperatriz, in 2019. Multiple choice questionnaires and semistructured interviews were used to analyze how subjects self-declared as gay, lesbian, or bisexual experience their sexual orientation in the university space. Based on some studies by Foucault (1985; 1988), Butler (2020), and Beauvoir (1970; 1980), the category of sexuality was analyzed from a sociopolitical perspective in order to understand how social relations interfere with the subjective experiences of the sexual orientation of the research subjects. The collected data point to an entry of students who are homosexuals, but who, due to
social factors, try to maintain it secret for fear of being discriminated by their family or people who are part of their everyday life.
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